“Fish have started swimming in Bagmati some thirty years after the cleanliness campaign was launched. However, fish and other aquatic animals are not visible in the river down the Pashupatinath Temple as the processed garbage have been mixed in the river down the Pashupati area,” Chairman of Pudasaini Maitri Samaj Uttam Pudasaini said. On Saturday, a total of 14 metric tons of garbage was collected from the river nearby Minbhawan. Former chief secretary Paudyal, Secretary at the Ministry of Urban Development Dipendra Nath Sharma, campaigner Dr Raju Adhikari and security personnel, among others, were present to clean up the river on Saturday.
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“Fish have started swimming in Bagmati some thirty years after the cleanliness campaign was launched. However, fish and other aquatic animals are not visible in the river down the Pashupatinath Temple as the processed garbage have been mixed in the river down the Pashupati area,” Chairman of Pudasaini Maitri Samaj Uttam Pudasaini said. On Saturday, a total of 14 metric tons of garbage was collected from the river nearby Minbhawan. Former chief secretary Paudyal, Secretary at the Ministry of Urban Development Dipendra Nath Sharma, campaigner Dr Raju Adhikari and security personnel, among others, were present to clean up the river on Saturday.
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